Providing a roadmap for core components and subsystem technologies for Beyond-5G and 6G networks

COREnect today announced the finalization and submission of the first series of public

deliverables. More specifically, the following deliverables have been successfully completed:

● Deliverable D2.1: Initial Vision and requirement report

● Deliverable D3.1: 1st Report on the Activities of Expert Groups

● Deliverable D4.1: Initial report on community building and outreach strategy

All those deliverables are available for download on the COREnect web site at

Professor Gerhard Fettweis, Project Manager of COREnect, declared that “this milestone is a

major move for COREnect on its mission to identify the missing building elements and create a

coherent and realistic roadmap of hardware enabling technologies for Europe to achieve digital

autonomy and sovereignty in Beyond-5G and 6G networks”.

“The work has clearly identified main challenges for European industry related to the role of

microelectronics in ICT. These include the value chain composition, capabilities in complex SOC

design, as well as necessary research and education. We now have a good foundation to detail a

strategy and actions to address these.“ says Fredrik Tillman, leader of deliverable 2.1.

Deliverable 3.1 is the first outcome of the work involving 3 pan-European Expert Groups, in the

areas of Computing, Communications and Peripheral Technologies, with more than 80 leading

experts coming from both the microelectronics and telecommunications communities. They

provide their insights and vision on how to identify core components that will strengthen and

preserve Europe’s leading position in the telecommunications’ sector in the next 10 years.

Leader of deliverable 3.1, Yaning Zou states “As captured in D3.1, the 3 Expert Groups have made

very good progress in its first 3 months of operation, which includes the definition of working

scopes and the initial identification of research areas and design considerations. These initial

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

under grant agreement N° 956830

results will serve as an important milestone for the development of initial COREnect industry

roadmap that is about to be published in June-July 2021.”

Both deliverables D2.1 and D3.1 took into account the outcomes of the 1st COREnect workshop,

that was organised on November 26, 2020, in co-location with the EFECS conference


That workshop gathered over 130 participants and touched on some significant topics such as:

Should Europe develop its own CMOS manufacturing capability? How should it position itself with

regards to open network architectures? How to seize opportunities in low power authentication,

security, and performance? Beyond microelectronics, can Europe build on its optical capabilities

for data transport?

To tackle such an important and complex topic, the COREnect project is planning on ways to

reach out to a wider audience and receive feedback. More specifically, a public consultation will

be launched on the results and conclusions of D2.1. COREnect will welcome feedback from

technical experts and strategists. Moreover, COREnect will also activate a process for recruiting

additional experts to participate in its three Expert Groups. Participation from female experts and

representatives from SMEs will be particularly looked upon. These actions will be communicated

in early February, so stay tuned to our news (

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